Friday, February 6, 2015

100 Days in Kindergarten!

One hundred days ago, we started our 2014-2015 school year in Kindergarten!  Several friends were nervous, many were excited, and everyone (including me) was curious about what our year would hold. Now, twenty-two school weeks later we are like a well-oiled machine.  Our goals have been set and are being met, we have made new friends, we know the "lay of the land" here at Bethlehem, and our faith has grown by leaps and bounds as we learn about our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, each and every day!  Suffice it to say, it's been a great 100 days!!!

Mrs. Tucker wrote a 100 Day litany for our teacher devotions this morning, and I liked it so much that I decided to do the same in Kindergarten.  We each took turns telling what we wanted to thank God for, and it went like this:

100 days of snack
100 days of recess
100 days of playing
100 days of lunch
100 days of homework
100 days of sight words
100 days of color words
100 days of reading books
100 days of rest time
100 days of learning about God!

Thank you, God, for 100 days of laughter, learning, and fun in our awesome Kindergarten class!!!  I can't wait to see what the rest of the year holds for us!  :)

Lined up for our 100 step walk!  Where will 100 steps take us??

100 Day selfie!!  Don't you just love our 100 Day glasses!?!  LOL