Thursday, April 16, 2015

Wedding Day!

So, today was Wedding Day in Kindergarten...

We decided that since our letters Q and U are always together, they should get married and make it official.  Q is rarely seen without his helper U, so they are now officially MR. and MRS. QU!

Our wedding preparations included turning our classroom into a suitable aisle for the couple to walk down.  We made invitations and decorations.  The Wedding March was played and the girls walked in dressed as QUeens, while the boys joined us today dressed as QUarterbacks! What a sight we all were!

We even had a "shusher" who showed his QUiet sign to remind everyone that this was a solemn ceremony!

The time came for the wedding vows.  Q promised to love U through all QUarrels.  U pledged her loyalty to stick to Q through any QUandary.

When the ceremony was finally over, it was almost time to PARTY!  
We first got together to blow some bubbles onto the cute couple...

Then, we posed for wedding party pictures!

Loving my Queens and Quarterbacks!

No wedding is complete without the Chicken Dance!  Sorry, there are no pictures because I was boogying on down with the wedding party!  Mrs. Duclos has taught them well, because they all knew the moves!!!!  

And, finally...
What a great day!!!!!  Congratulations, MR AND MRS QU!!!

The happy couple is now off on their honeymoon to QUEBEC!!!!!  

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Spring has Sprung!

It is FINALLY Springtime in Mid-Michigan (we're going to forget about yesterday's blizzard!), and it is time to share some Springtime fun we've been having in our Kindergarten class!!!

Darby O'Gill, our resident leprechaun, made several visits before we actually celebrated St. Patrick's Day.  What a fuss that little man caused, especially when he moved our desks around, or left us small treats!  Literally, we couldn't STOP talking about it for most of the day!  I love making these fun Kindergarten memories with our Kinder Friends! My own kids still remember their Darby Days from the lower grades here at Bethlehem.  :)

After Darby left, we really started working hard on our Lower Grades Operetta, Life of the Party!  We enjoyed being sheep and "gathering around" our Good Shepherd.  It is funny how a group of kids can be so loud in class, but when asked to "BAAA" as loudly as possible, can barely be heard!  We got better as time went on, thankfully!!

Cutest lambs on the block!!!