Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Living it Up in Kindergarten!

Our Kinder Friends are having a great time learning about living and non-living things in Ms. Smith's science class.  They did a picture find and sort one day, watched a slideshow another day, and then did some cooperative learning to help them classify things as "living" things or "non-living" things.

In the cooperative learning activity, students moved around the classroom to music, carrying a card with a picture of either a living or non-living thing.  When the music stopped, they looked at their pictures and decided if they needed to move to the left (living) or right (non-living) side of the room. Then, they switched pictures with someone and did it again!

Fun and learning go hand-in-hand in our Kindergarten class!!!

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Practice Makes Perfect!

We are working hard to get ready for our Monday night Family Worship Service.  Today, Pre-School through fourth grade met in the church for our first whole group practice!  Mr. Sharman and Ms. Smith led us through our songs, and they are coming along nicely.

We sure hope that everyone can join us at 7pm on Monday, October 24th, for this special chapel-type worship!  A note comes home in Kindergarten today, asking if your child will be able to participate with us.  Please fill it out and return it by this Friday, so that we can adjust our numbers and student arrangement accordingly.  Thanks!

Monday, October 17, 2016

Firefighters Are Our Friends!

Our very own Firefighter Mark made a special visit to Kindergarten last week to talk to us about Fire Safety Month.  He dressed up in his gear, to show us that underneath it all, he was still the same friendly man that we all know and love!

We had a lot of questions, and Firefighter Mark was so patient and kind to answer them all.  He told us that 9-1-1 is JUST for emergencies, and that if there is ever a fire in our house or school, our only job is to get out as soon we can.

After our learning session, everyone was able to try on the HEAVY firefighter coat!  What a great day!  THANK YOU, FIREFIGHTER MARK LAUX!  YOU'RE THE BEST!!!

Friday, October 7, 2016

Got Milk?

God blessed us with the perfect weather to visit the awesome Weiss Centennial Farm in Frankenmuth this week!  We had a great time exploring the two different corn mazes, learning about where our food comes from, and visiting with the milk cows, pigs, goats, ducks, and cats!  We even went on a hay (straw) ride, and we picked our own gourds, RIGHT FROM THE VINES!!!   Our picnic lunch had a few unwelcome visitors (bees!), but we still had fun eating outdoors.  I think everyone would agree that we made some great Kindergarten memories on a beautiful day!!
 Listening to Mrs. Weiss tell us about her farm
 We read a funny book about a cow that loved cookies!
 Ready to ride!
 Hi, Friends!!
 The cows were a little stinky!!  LOL
 Mrs. Weiss even drove the tractor for us!!
 Checking out the milking operation.
 What an interesting day!
 These cows are waiting for their turn with the milking robot.

This way!  No, this way!  
We made it!!
 Playing in the corn crib!
 The view from up top!
  Bethlehem Kindergarten 2016-2017 <3