Thursday, November 30, 2017

November News

We had a great month of November in Kindergarten.  There was so much to be thankful for, like great students, supportive parents, fun field trips, inspiring chapel services, creative art lessons, breakthroughs in reading, and so much more!  As we approach the CHRISTmas season, we look forward to sharing the good news of Jesus' birth with our families and friends.  We are already practicing for our Children's Christmas Program!  Mark your calendars to join us on Wednesday, December 20th at 7pm.  Bye, bye, November....Hello, December!!

Wednesday, November 8, 2017

A Happy Little Harvest!

 We had such a great Harvest Day in Kindergarten last week!  We started with a great Reformation chapel, where we learned more about Martin Luther and his work to help people know about God's free gift of grace for all.
 Then, our chapel buddies joined us for some fun in the classroom.  We colored, made fun ghost chains, and had yummy snacks, too!
 Finally, we wrapped up the day with party games and crafts, more good snacks, and a costume parade through the school!  Whew!  It was so much fun!  I hope everyone had some energy left afterward, for trick-or-treating!!??   :)


Thursday, October 26, 2017

Safety First!

We had a special visitor in Kindergarten this week.  Firefighter Mark dropped in with his annual fire safety message and, as always, his visit was a big hit!  October is Fire Prevention Month, so we've been talking a lot about fire safety.  Our friends were ready to talk some more about having an escape plan, "stop, drop, and roll," and especially about how firefighters are our friends.  Firefighter Mark always does a great job connecting with the students, and he makes learning this important information fun.  Thank you, Firefighter Mark, for being our connection to these valuable First Responders!