They have SO many awesome animals, and a springtime visit means that there are many brand new babies for us to meet! This year was no exception. The sheep had triplets only three weeks ago! The nanny goat had twins only two weeks ago, and the baby calf was only a week old! We also saw, and held, brand new chicks, bunnies, and kittens.
Alijah was picked to give the baby calf his breakfast!
These kittens are SO soft!!
And the bunnies kind of tickle!!
Connor needs one at home, don't you think!?! LOL
Check our the baby goat! Did you know they're called "kids", just like us!?!
We were all given cups of food for the animals, and then they let the gates open!!!
Don't they every feed these things?!?!?
The hayride was a blast! Along the way, we saw pigs that weighed 600 pounds, and a mama duck with 18 ducklings!!! WOW!!!
Another successful trip to the farm! As a dear friend of mine has been known to say, "Everyone should spend SOME time on a farm! What a learning experience!"