We started our day with a Sweethearts Graph for our math time. After we sorted our conversation hearts by color, we laid them onto our graphs and counted. Then, we had to record which color had the greatest, and which color had the least. AFTER our counting was all finished, we were allowed to eat a couple of our hearts!
At snack time, we had special cookies made by Mrs. Sharman! We frosted and decorated them ourselves, and they were such a SWEET and yummy treat! Some of us REALLY like the sprinkles!!! Yikes!!!
When it was finally time to pass out Valentines, we were all sugared up! It was chaotic, but so much fun! I was especially proud of how many Kinder Friends wrote out their own cards, and then were able to read their friend's names, so they could pass them out correctly!! We are so smart!!!!!
Aren't we SO cute!!!!
Of course, we started out 100 Day with sugar!! This special treat was a real hit with our friends! It's cool to make numbers out of food!!
Everyone brought in 100 pieces of their favorite snack food, and we mixed it all together for our afternoon snack. Are you sensing a theme here, eating our way through the school year!!? No wonder I can't lose any weight!!! :)
We sure counted and counted and counted on 100 Day.
In the morning we counted 100 steps from our classroom door to see where we would end up. Our predictions included: the gym, the bathrooms, the church, and the offices. Well, we ended up at the Computer Lab! Then, we counted backwards (and walked backwards) from 100 to get back to our room!
Here we are counting again. This time we are counting 100 stickers to fill out our 100 posters!! I think we all needed 100 hours of sleep after our busy day! LOL