Monday, March 7, 2016

He's Baaaaack!

So, by now you have probably heard...Our school leprechaun, Darby O'Gil, has made his return for the month of March!  Every year, the little guy shows up in the beginning of March, and stays until St. Patrick's Day, to cause havoc in our classrooms!  This year, I thought I was ready for him.  I bought the Lucky Charms to use in our leprechaun trap, and kept them closed and hidden behind my desk.  Low and behold, we walk into the room the other morning and this is what we found!  He's baaaack!

Today we all had shamrocks inside our shoes when we returned from PE class!!!  What next??  Stay tuned.

1 comment:

  1. 🍀❤️🍀 Eli's telling us all about him! He even remembers his footprints from preschool.
